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2 hrs
Hey everyone! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this if you have a moment.
Hey Cary, glad to join the discussion! This piece makes me think of 18th century Japanese Edo period works and also french impressionism
Oh, I see that too. Just curious Cary, usually so many of your pieces have depictions of a mythological animal. Was it intentional to leave it out of this piece?
Thanks for joining Maya and Sasha! That's a good point. I wanted to explore the symbolic nature of flowers.
I see this piece as almost a reflection of an inner journey or struggle. I think adding a mythological creature would take me out of that realm.
I noticed you said you used photographs of the botanical elements from your trip. Can you talk about that process a bit more?
Yes, I recently went on a hike in the mountains and photographed some delicate small flowers pushing through the rough and cold cracks in the ground. There was just something so beautiful about their perseverance. I used those as references for the botanicals.
The leaves from the top don't feel rooted the same way as some of your other recent pieces I saw on your website. Maybe try enlarging the scale of those elements to root them into the foreground.
That's interesting Sasha. I agree that you can experiment further with scale using more botanic elements. It may create a more immersive experience, almost like peeking through the leaves to get to the mountains in the background.
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Maybe try enlarging the scale of those elements to root them into the foreground.
Good point. It can be a bit bolder with the scale shifts in the piece.
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I think your brushwork also speaks to a transitory space of light. Some strokes are soft and bright, while others are dark and rugged.
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No, I think you achieve it perfectly here. I feel like adding more surrounding the borders of the canvas would detract and make the painting too busy.

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